Food should be eaten, not thrown away

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Food should be eaten, not thrown away

A third of all food produced in the world is discarded. It’s an astonishing statistic and a sign that our food systems and logistics could be much better. Now there is a young, dynamic company that has built its entire business on the matter.

MATSMART.SE began retail life with a range of goods that other retailers simply don’t want: goods with imminent sell-by dates, mislabeled goods, leftover campaign products, back orders, stuff with new packaging, just about anything that doesn’t need continuous cold storage and would otherwise be thrown away. The consumer can then buy these orphaned goods for a pittance as they can be reduced by as much as 90% off the normal price!

Challenge: Diverse product range needs adaptable packaging for e-commerce

While MATSMART.SE high quality products are healthy and safe for consumers, they are still subject to the normal challenges of e-commerce: ugly boxes giving a poor brand image, breakages and over-packing to name just three of the biggest. After working with a couple of different suppliers who failed to protect MATSMARTs products and who offered poorly conceived boxes they got in touch with DS Smith.

Our Approach:

The absolute first step was to provide boxes of the right quality to protect goods, reduce breakage and save costs for MARTSMAT with two different size boxes. From there a full collaborative review of packaging needs could be done and a range of seven different sizes was agreed for the most efficient and safe packaging. In addition, DS Smith helped identify and provide tools for handling, packing and sealing.

Result: Affordable efficiency and security for a market leader positioned for growth

  • Lower costs with reduced damage
  • Greater efficiency with a well-designed range of packaging
  • Smoother operations with handling peripherals
  • A great relationship poised to make the most of an exciting and fast-evolving market

forrás: 2017.05.08