Fantastic Design : Exact Rice Serving

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Fantastic Design : Exact Rice Serving

I am a pretty accomplished cook when it comes to dishing out exotic cuisines; however the basics like cooking rice and bread still intimidate me. I suppose this set of designers had me in mind while conceptualizing the Rice Pack! More than being a simple package for rice; it is also a guide to the ideal amount of water required to cook the rice in a rice cooker.
The package contains enough rice for either one or two serves.

  • The user should pour water into the package until it reaches the blue line, then pour the mixture into the cooker.
  • Perfectly cooked rice should result.
  • The package can also be used to rinse and drain the rice prior to measuring the water for cooking.

Rice Pack is a 2012 red dot award: design concept winning entry.

Designers: Park Kyungran, Kim Miyeon & Gho Hyejin


forrás: 2013.02.08