Compact Coke bottle concept is stunning & space-saving

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Compact Coke bottle concept is stunning & space-saving

When process and product align, it becomes possible to see how a simple idea involves hidden complexities and to communicate the layers of impact a small change could make in real life.

Created by Andrew Kim, this EcoCoke concept was not sponsored by any company – it was an independent look at how a shift in thinking and construction could make a product leaner, meaner and greener.

The shape obviously saves storage space while shipping, but it comes with other benefits as well, including a larger brandable surface area and an easier-to-crush set of pre-creased sides for disposal.

Sketches, models and diagrams are both exploratory and explanatory – they show how the details evolved but also what is involved in marketing a new idea that while small would require a radical shift in manufacturing for a major global company.

forrás: 2017.03.19