New concept at FoodTech puts knowledge in focus

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New concept at FoodTech puts knowledge in focus

When FoodTech – northern Europe’s largest expo for food technology – opens its doors from 13 to 15 November 2018 at MCH Messecenter Herning, it will be for the first time ever with the knowledge hall Tech City, which highlights innovation, networking and the most up-to-date knowledge in food technology.

Knowledge sharing and technology will top the agenda at FoodTech 2018 when hall F at MCH Messecenter Herning is transformed into the Tech City knowledge hall – a creative new place to meet for the food industry.

The idea behind the concept is that Tech City will be the place where production employees meet knowledge professionals to accelerate innovative new concepts and ideas to address some of the challenges facing the food industry. Tech City exhibitors will typically be knowledge institutions, such as technological institutes, educational institutions and companies active in R&D – but there will also be room for both start-ups and well-known brands.

“The aim of Tech City is to create an innovative and creative environment that brings together knowledge and focuses on the latest technological developments in the industry. Here, professionals will have ample opportunity to share knowledge, network and engage in dialogue regarding specific challenges and solutions for the future,” says John Dørr Jensen, Project Manager, MCH Messecenter Herning.

FoodTech creates an innovative new meeting place for the food industry in the shape of Tech City. Tech City brings together leading knowledge companies and R&D institutes in a creative environment that paves the way for knowledge sharing, networking

Acquire valuable knowledge

Tech City will cover more than 5,000 square metres and, in addition to the many interesting exhibitors, visitors can look forward to acquiring valuable knowledge from conferences, seminars, debates, etc., on topics ranging from new production technologies and digitalisation to the circular economy and food safety.

Alongside the many activities, there will also be an opportunity to follow the innovation competition ‘FoodTech Challenge &’, where a number of leading companies and suppliers to the food industry pose challenges to which a specially selected team of students will propose solutions. At the same time, a number of experts will present new perspectives and research results on the challenges.

“Tech City invites you to participate in a wealth of activities, all of which will focus on the ‘Tech’ concept. Whether it’s a conference or exhibition, exhibitors and visitors will experience a cohesive theme linking the activities that relate to technology and industrial food production,” says John Dørr Jensen, who continues:

“’Tech’ is broadly defined in this context, as technology has made a big contribution to our daily lives and to the production of the products we use and consume every day. Therefore, ‘Tech’ not only refers to the production of products, but equally to value chain optimisation between logistics and sales channels, the design of computer systems as well as the development of production processes and designing new ways to meet customer needs.

Tech City is organised in collaboration with MCH Messecenter Herning, Danish Food Cluster, MAAGE and Foodjob Nordic. The concept can be experienced at FoodTech 13–15 November 2018 at MCH Messecenter Herning.


Tech City is a new knowledge hall at FoodTech, organised in collaboration with MCH Messecenter Herning, Danish Food Cluster, MAAGE and Foodjob Nordic.

FoodTech is Northern Europe’s largest expo for the food industry. Around 300 exhibitors are expected at the coming expo, and it is anticipated that around 10,000 people will attend.

FoodTech will taking place on 13–15 November 2018.
