WPO executives and guests conduct a series of debates during PACK EXPO

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WPO executives and guests conduct a series of debates during PACK EXPO

WPO executives and guests conduct a series of debates during PACK EXPO International next October, in Chicago (USA)

With full support of PMMI (The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies), WPO (World Packaging Organisation – www.worldpackaging.org), is organizing a series of interactive content sessions during PACK EXPO International (Oct. 14–17; McCormick Place, Chicago, USA). The four confirmed sessions, under the name Interactive Panels on Global Perspectives on Packaging, organized by WPO and PMMI, are:


  • Monday, Oct 15 – 2:30 p.m. – Johannes Bergmair, WPO General Secretary, leading the discussion about Why is packaging that SAVES FOOD so SUSTAINABLE?”

  • Monday, Oct 15 – 3:30 p.m. – Pierre Pienaar, WPO President, leading the discussion about Active Packaging Development for Convenience”

  • Tuesday, Oct 16 – 10:30 a.m. – Karen Proctor, Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in the faculty of Packaging Science Department, leading the discussion aboutBringing Sustainable Packaging Innovation into the classroom”.

  • Tuesday, Oct 16 – 11:30 a.m. – Franco Mercado, Design Director/Strategic Consultant in Innovation and Packaging Systems, leading the discussion about Using packaging design to enhance the consumer experience”.

As WPO President and one of the panellists, Pierre Pienaar, explains: “We developed a new model to PMMI. These are intended to be interactive sessions and not speaking sessions as we normally see in a conference. We truly believe the leaders of each theme will engage the audience and have an open dialogue and learning process during the session.”

Besides arranging the program and the leaders for each session, WPO will also have a booth at the show as part of the Association Partner Program. This year the Partner Program welcomes 50 industry associations, according to show producer PMMI. Among these associations, other six WPO members are confirmed: Instituto Argentino del Envase, AIP (Australian Institute of Packaging), ABRE (Brazilian Packaging Association), AMEE (Mexican Packaging Association), IoPP (Institute of Packaging Professionals) and International Safe Transit Association (ISTA), both from USA.

“This partnership with PMMI and with PACK EXPO is always a great opportunity to spread WPO´s message to the global packaging community: ´Better quality of life through better packaging for more people´”, states Pierre Pienaar, WPO President. He also reinforces that WPO booth at PACK EXPO is the right environment to promote all WPO actions, especially the packaging education programs. “Come and visit us at WPO booth and get in touch with all projects, not only the educational ones, but also the ones related to Circular Economy, Save Food and Food Safety. We have been very active in the last year and the response from the industry and from the professionals is being fantastic. Each day WPO becomes more the voice of the packaging industry around the world”, celebrates Pierre.

All WPO´s activities during PACK EXPO will also count with full support of its local member in USA, IoPP (Institute of Packaging Professionals – www.iopp.org ). Jane Chase, Executive Director of the North American Institute, became a very active member of WPO as well.

forrás: http://www.worldpackaging.org/ 2018. szeptember