SIG wins Sustainability Leaders Award for reporting

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SIG wins Sustainability Leaders Award for reporting

SIG has won the prestigious edie Sustainability Leaders Award for Sustainability Reporting and Communications in recognition of its transparent reporting on social and environmental issues.

Now in their 13th year, the edie Sustainability Leaders Awards recognise excellence in key aspects of business sustainability, including reporting and communication which is cited by expert stakeholders as one of the key drivers for leadership in sustainability.

SIG’s latest Corporate Responsibility (CR) Report – the company’s second full CR Report – topped a shortlist of reports from leading businesses, including established reporting leaders and former winners of the edie award. Entries were judged by an esteemed panel of sustainability experts, hand-picked for their specialist knowledge and experience in their field.

The judges said: “This report goes way beyond SIG’s strategy and highlights the company’s robust approach to sustainability. The design is fun and readable, appealing to all audiences, while the core content aligns with key frameworks and clearly shows progress against SIG’s multi-year targets. The report is also transparent about achievements and areas for improvement.”

Transparent reporting on SIG’s journey Way Beyond Good
Dr Christian Bauer, Manager Environmental Affairs and Product Related Sustainability at SIG, receiving the award for Sustainability Reporting and Communications on behalf of SIG at the prestigious Edie Sustainability Leaders Awards in London.

SIG’s Corporate Responsibility Report explores how the company is addressing major global challenges by driving progress towards its bold net positive ambition to go Way Beyond Good by putting more into society and the environment than it takes out.

The report combines engaging content for key audiences – including infographics, visual highlights and case studies exploring what Way Beyond Good means in practice – with rigorous reporting for experts on the management of SIG’s most material issues. It was prepared in accordance with the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option.

SIG’s commitment to transparency is evident throughout the report with visual cues highlighting not only the areas where SIG is leading the industry, but the challenges it faces too. This openness is reinforced by the inclusion of direct feedback from the company’s independent external Responsibility Advisory Group.

The report showcases a host of industry firsts, from an aseptic carton linked to 100% renewable plant-based materials and an alternative to plastic straws for aseptic carton packs to 100% renewable energy for production and certification to the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative standard. It also explains how SIG is using its technology and expertise to help communities preserve surplus food and provide school meals through its Cartons for Good flagship project.

„We have made great strides towards our net positive ambition to go Way Beyond Good for society and the environment, but there are challenges to overcome too,” said Dr Christian Bauer, Manager Environmental Affairs and Product Related Sustainability at SIG, who received the award on behalf of SIG at the awards ceremony in London. “This award recognises our commitment to reporting our progress transparently along the way.”

Read SIG’s Corporate Responsibility Report:

More information on SIG’s Way Beyond Good:


About SIG

SIG is a leading systems and solutions provider for aseptic packaging. We work in partnership with our customers to bring food products to consumers around the world in a safe, sustainable and affordable way. Our unique technology and outstanding innovation capacity enable us to provide our customers with end-to-end solutions for differentiated products, smarter factories and connected packs, all to address the ever-changing needs of consumers.

Founded 1853, SIG is headquartered in Neuhausen, Switzerland. The skills and experience of our approximately 5,000 employees worldwide enable us to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of our customers in over 60 countries. In 2018, SIG produced more than 35 billion carton packs and generated €1.7 billion in revenue. For more information, visit 

forrás: 2020.02.06